About 1,000 shareholders and farmers attended the AGM of the FSA in Nguni funded by Better Globe Forestry. According to estimates, 65% of those present were women.
Photo courtesy: Better Globe Forestry
- Safeena Kassoo
- May 11, 2016
On May 11, the Better Globe Forestry-funded financial service association (FSA), also called a village bank, in Nguni held its Annual General Meeting at Nzouni Secondary School.
Attending officials included K-Rep Financial Services representatives, Chairman Godemas Motemje and director of the Nguni Financial Services Association, Charity Kaluki Ngilu — Minister of Health from 2003 to 2007 — as the guest of honor, and Better Globe Forestry representative and Assistant to the Executive Director Samuel Nakhone.
The Board members and the workers of the FSA praised Better Globe Forestry extensively for its efforts in helping the community to better their lives.
During the meeting, it was emphasized that:
- Better Globe Forestry had funded the FSA which had a significant impact in the community — the number of shareholders stands at about 3000 farmers as at the end of 2015 from about 2000 at the end of the 2014 financial year. The target for 2016 is 4000 farmers.
- Better Globe Forestry had ventured into planting trees with farmers and provides a ready market for the tree products at the end of the rotation period.
- Better Globe Forestry had helped Mboti Primary School by funding the construction of a classroom, the flooring of the existing classes, the building of a kitchen and an administrative block, and the installation of water tanks and roof catchment facilities.

The Guest of Honor, Charity Ngilu, former Minister of Health and later of Water and Irrigation. From left to right next to Charity Ngilu: Nicodemus Mutemi (Chairman of the Nguni financial services association) and Risper Kavula Timothy (representing K-Rep).
Photo courtesy: Better Globe Forestry

FSA Manager Patrick Wambua King’ole FSA reports on the 2015 activities, results, and achievements of the FSA of Nguni.
Photo courtesy: Better Globe Forestry